SB 390 Let’s expand ZOOM school opportunities for more students who need it
Tuesday, April 11th there is a scheduled hearing with the Education Committee to begin at 3:30 p.m. on various topics including ZOOM schools, we encourage people to tune in, testify

New Voucher Bill, What’s The Difference?
Last week the Governor’s office introduced SB 506 a bill that would follow through on the Nevada ESA/Voucher program, right after Senator Majority Leader Aaron Ford declared Senator Scott Hammond’s

Support our students in 1- and 2-Star Schools
We’ve all seen the image of the kids who can’t see over a fence and are provided a box to stand on. The box is still not enough of a
Education advocates and parents call for weighted funding formula in 2017 Legislature
LAS VEGAS – A new study giving Nevada an F on the way we fund education shows the need for legislators to pass additional money for a weighted funding formula,

A Valuable Education Begins With Preschool
There are few investments with greater returns for our children, families, communities, and our state’s economy than high quality early education. With the 2017 Legislative Session fast approaching, lawmakers must

No-Bid CCSD Reorganization Contract for $1.2 million Approved Along Party Lines
During the October 18 Legislative Advisory Committee meeting about the Clark County School District (CCSD) reorganization, Committee members were presented with a proposal from TSC2, a recently formed consulting firm

Parent Engagement Leads to Student Success
Recently, hundreds of educators from across the state gathered at the Northwest Career & Technical Academy to attend the 2016 Nevada Family Engagement Summit. Keynote speaker Dr. Steve Constantino defined

New Measure of How Attractive States are for Teachers Puts Nevada Near the Bottom
Could This Explain Our Teacher Shortage? The Learning Policy Institute (LPI) recently released a new study detailing key factors that affect teacher supply and attrition. The analysis of all 50 states