For Immediate Release: Struck Down – Constitutional Private School Voucher Initiative Defeated In Legal Challenge
Court Rejects Proposed Constitutional Initiative for Private School Voucher Scheme Judge holds constitutional amendment establishing a voucher scheme, by Erin Philips of the Education Freedom For Nevada PAC, legally misleading

For Immediate Release: Voucher Scheme Initiative Petition Challenged in Court
Beverly Rogers and Rory Reid of The Rogers Foundation sue against efforts that take public funds to support unaccountable private schools that can discriminate against students Las Vegas, NV
Despite Poor Academic Results Groups Sue to Grow Private School Voucher Program
A few weeks ago a pro-school privatization organization, Institute for Justice, announced a lawsuit against the State of Nevada over the impact of AB 458 to private school vouchers recipients,
PMPS Coalition Supports Legislators Who Stand Strong Against Vouchers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 3, 2017 Contacts: Annette Magnus, Battle Born Progress, Michelle Booth, Educate Nevada Now, Chris Daly, Nevada State Education Association, Holly Welborn, ACLU
ENN Applauds Nevada Leadership Who Stood Strong for Public Education
For Immediate Release: June 1, 2017 Carson City, NV – Today, Nevada legislators proved they are champions for children by approving an education budget that excluded the controversial SB506 Voucher
State Continues to Mislead Families On Voucher Program
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 1, 2017 Contacts: Annette Magnus, Battle Born Progress, Sylvia Lazos, Educate Nevada Now, Chris Daly, Nevada State Education Association, Holly Welborn, ACLU
Voucher/ESA Roundup
How vouchers and ESAs are fairing and failing in other states ESA vouchers continue to be a hot topic throughout the entire nation, not just in Nevada. As the
Where the education bills stand
A quick update on the education bills we’ve been monitoring On the heels of the holiday weekend, our legislators were up in Carson City working hard to meet deadline

New Voucher Bill, What’s The Difference?
Last week the Governor’s office introduced SB 506 a bill that would follow through on the Nevada ESA/Voucher program, right after Senator Majority Leader Aaron Ford declared Senator Scott Hammond’s