Support our students in 1- and 2-Star Schools
We’ve all seen the image of the kids who can’t see over a fence and are provided a box to stand on. The box is still not enough of a boost for some of the kids to see.
This highlights the importance of equitable school funding. The solution? Give kids the help they need to succeed in school based on their specific needs.
Victory Schools and Zoom Schools established in recent legislative sessions provide that exact help to our students who need it most, and both have resulted in academic growth for our students. In 2017, let’s provide that opportunity for more of our children who need it.
Educate Nevada Now (ENN) recently testified in support of Senate Bill 178, sponsored by Senator Mo Denis, which aims to put in place an adequate school funding formula for all Nevada children by providing additional funding for at-risk students who cost more to educate successfully.
Why? Students who attend poor preforming schools are less likely to read on grade level and graduate on time.
While it seems there is a lot of bipartisan support for addressing a weighted funding formula and providing more financial support for education – we also know we don’t have all the funds necessary ($1.4 billion) for a full implementation this biennium.
So what should we do in the interim? ENN is in full support of extending what we know works by investing in ZOOM Schools that help our English Language Learners and Victory Schools that support high-poverty schools.
In their two years of implementation Victory Schools have seen an overall increase in student proficiency in English and Math. ZOOM Schools consistently see ELL students who are reading on grade level one or two years after being in a ZOOM school. These programs provide smaller classrooms, an extended school year, summer programs, reading skill centers, additional professional development opportunities for teachers and incentive funds to recruit experienced high-quality teachers.
How can you support the 80,000 CCSD students who currently attend 1- or 2-Star Schools that don’t have these quality programs?
Call your legislator or write a letter to the editor asking that money for education in the 2017 Legislature go toward supporting Senate Bill 390 to expand ZOOM Schools and Assembly Bill 447 to expand Victory Schools.
Let’s invest in proven methods and ensure all kids have the opportunity of an equitable education.
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