No-Bid CCSD Reorganization Contract for $1.2 million Approved Along Party Lines
During the October 18 Legislative Advisory Committee meeting about the Clark County School District (CCSD) reorganization, Committee members were presented with a proposal from TSC2, a recently formed consulting firm headed by Tom Skancke, former CEO of Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA). Firm consultants are slated to assist CCSD with AB394 reorganization efforts, including administrative and financial changes, transition services and education policy development. The contract is for one year.
The $1.2 million contract caught some legislators and concerned parents by surprise. Several members of the Advisory Committee complained about having one day to review all the documents pertaining to the $1.2 million proposal. Legislators also wondered why there was no Request For Proposals (RFP), which would have made this contract subject to a competitive bid process.
Learn more about the concern expressed by Legislators and parents, and why CCSD should take a close look at this contract to ensure scant public school dollars are not wasted at the expense of our children.
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