Shea v. State challenges the adequacy of the Nevada public school system, its resource levels outcomes, which fall egregiously short of the sufficiency required by the Nevada Constitution, the laws of this State, and the pronouncements and benchmarks set by the State itself.

As a result of dismal resources Nevada public school students are subject to one of the lowest-rated and worst-performing state school systems in the United States.


  • Nevada ranks towards the bottom in education achievement and towards the bottom in education funding.


  • Nevada continually receives an “F” for fiscal effort, adequacy, and progressivity and is one of only two states to get an F in all categories. 


  • 68 percent of English learner (EL) students and 84 percent of low-income (FRL)students  receive no additional state funding for resources to supplement their education.


  • More than $1.6 billion in revenue raised specifically for education have been diverted to other parts of the state budget and thus never increased revenue for schools. 


  • When accounting for inflation Nevada’s per pupil funding for public schools has remained flat even as the economy continued to grow. 

Resources/ Achievement:  

  • Nevada has among the largest student to teacher ratio in the country
  • In Nevada, only 21% of 8th grade students and 30 % of 7th grade students were found to be proficient in math. 


  • Less than 50% of Nevada students are considered to be proficient in math and reading in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th grade levels. Meaning half of Nevada students enter high school without the necessary reading and math skills.


  • Students with unique educational needs fare far worse with only 5% of EL students, 20% of FRL and 6% of special ed 8th grade students deemed proficient in math. 



  •  Nevada has the worst ACT scores in the United States, scoring last in English, Reading, Math, and Science. Only 38% of Nevada students succeed in English, 27% succeed in Reading, 22% succeed in Math, and 19% in Science.